Hi, I’m Chevone, wife to Jason & Mama to Sawyer and Sienna.
I started the Pretty Little Mama blog when I was going through postpartum anxiety and postpartum rage after having Sawyer. Overtime, I quickly realized that working in the corporate world wasn’t something that I wanted to continue doing. I grew my audience and recently became a stay at home mom who runs her own businesses. I am
a full time Content Creator and a Virtual Assistant/Social Media Manager.
I took my skills that I learned in the corporate world, such as organizing, email management, and negotiating, and now apply them to my own businesses. Like my friend said to me, working in the corporate world was like going to college. Except I was paid while learning and didn’t come out in debt.
If you are looking for someone who keeps it real, works with companies she loves & believes in, and is still trying to find confidence in motherhood, then join me on my motherhood journey!
If you’re needing someone to take on some extra tasks that you just don’t have time for, contact me and let’s see what we can do!
Either way, I’m happy you’re here!